Articles & Ideas

Enjoy these free resources to help folks interested in learning about and improving their careers in VoiceOver or audiobook narration…

…because when I was starting out (and at many points in my career) I spent far too much time, money, and/or stress just trying to figure things out on my own and then wondering if I was on the right track. So here are all of the things I wish I had known sooner, some of my brilliant ideas, my spectacular failures, and everything in between.

With any luck, they'll help you out in some small way.

If there is a topic you’re curious about or need help with that isn’t covered here, feel free to reach out!

Jay Myers Jay Myers

Passion into Business: Spark Creativity as a Professional Creative

When what you love becomes your job, a shift can happen. That shift can wax and wane at times, perhaps making you feel at times inspired or drained. As my voiceover and audiobook narration career has developed and grown, there have been periods when it's hard to show up with the same creative spark that I had in abundance when I was younger, when my responsibilities were fewer, and the wide world hadn't bared its teeth in the myriad ways it has. So, as a lifelong creative, what are ways that you can show up every day, conduct a successful business, and still keep that same spark that brought you to your art or craft--whatever it may be. These are some of my own thoughts, and I'd love to hear yours.

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